With kids back at school and the beginning of Fall, The Targeted Strategies Group is proud to announce a $50,000 donation to Recess Guardians; a not-for-profit organization that reduces bullying, improves inclusion, builds leadership abilities, and encourages a healthy lifestyle through active play across Canada.

“The Targeted Strategies Group’s donations over the past three years have been a huge catalyst for Recess Guardians to grow across the country and impact youth. With the COVID lockdowns, kids need play more than ever so they can feel comfortable and have fun with each other. This donation offers the program to more kids in a big time of need,” says Mike McDonald, Founder and CEO of Recess Guardians.

According to Recess Guardians, children’s free play time has been continuously declining for more than 50 years and it is preventing children from turning into more confident adults. Lack of unstructured play affects mental and emotional development, leading to the rise of depression, anxiety, problems of attention and self-control into adulthood. Recess Guardians is a free program that provides leadership training to students in grades four to eight who are committed to keeping fellow students active through play. These “Recess Guardians” then teach playground games to younger children during recess time.

“Giving and collaboration are two of our core values at The Targeted Strategies Group”, says Susan Kichuk, CEO of The Targeted Strategies Group. “Just as we help business owners and entrepreneurs maximize their success, we hope our donation to Recess Guardians will help children reach their full potential and achieve great things.”

Since 2008, the program has impacted more than 450,000 youth in over 800 schools across Canada. To learn more about Recess Guardians and find out how you can get involved click here: https://www.recessguardians.org/